Reading The Cost of Discipleship

I recently just finished reading The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and have a couple thoughts. 

1. His thoughts on what the “church” is should be discussed in every church.  Bonhoeffer writes,

“The community of the saints is not an ‘ideal’ community consisting of perfect and sinless men and women, where there is not need of further repentance.  No, it is a community which proves that it is worthy of the gospel of forgiveness by constantly and sincerely proclaiming God’s forgiveness…”

2. The greatest lesson I learned from reading this book will help me read further books by any author.  A very helpful biographical section was included at the beginning of this book that gave a glimpse into the life of Bonhoeffer.  This glimpse into his life helped me understand why he would say some things that he did.  At times I was puzzled by what was written, with regards to the Sermon on the Mount, but remembering his setting helped in understanding why he would explain Scripture a certain way. 

In a side note this was my 7th book finished this year and had set a goal to read 10 books this year.  I will make my goal and then increase it for next year.

2 thoughts on “Reading The Cost of Discipleship

  1. Pastor Bonhoeffer was a true hero in a century and time that didn’t spawn enough of them. We need his kind to counter the despair one feels when confronted by such a grim reality. Thanks for the reminder of his life, his lonely death and the power of conscience…and faith.

  2. Cliff,
    We need to celebrate the fact that Bonhoeffer was willing to obey the will of God with no strings attached. He truly was an example of living a life of faith.

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