Lessons from the Count of Monte Cristo

Two days after Thanksgiving of last year I walked into a Borders bookstore to use a gift card.  I generally do not read fiction, but walked in specifically looking for a fiction book to read.  As I searched the shelves I came across The Count of Monte Cristo.  They had two versions the abridged version roughly 300 pages and the unabridged version 1488 pages, I was feeling daring so I bought the unabridged version.  Now six months later I have finished the book. 

The book was great.  There were moments where it may have dragged a little, but for the most part, I was engaged the whole time, especially the last 400 pages.  The characters do change names and that got a little confusing, so I googled and printed a character list that I found online and that helped immensely. 

When I finally had about 400 pages left, I remember saying to my wife almost done.  When I said it I thought well that sounds strange.  The books I find myself reading are usually between 250-350 pages, so to say with 400 pages left I am almost done, felt strange. 

I think it was fitting that I read the unabridged version, since it is a book about perseverance, should I wimp out and by the shortened version, or persevere through the longer version.  By persevering I also think I gained some arm strength, that book was heavy.

I will read more fiction, in fact right now I am reading The Ambler Warning by Robert Ludlum, and for awhile will continue reading or listening to Ludlum books.  Ludlum is a great escape as I try and wade through Mere Christianity at the same time.

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